
Team Up

Step zero is to find another bitcoiner. It is way easier and way more fun. Don’t try to do everything on your own, so let me repeat this once more: find another bitcoiner and team up.

It should be someone you like, someone that speaks the same language. Once you are two, you can get rolling.

Create a Beacon

Step one: create a beacon in cyberspace. Something that is easy to find and easy to consume. Something that other bitcoiners can rally around. Something with low noise and high signal.

A weekly or bi-weekly podcast is perfect in terms of scalability. It isn’t that much work to produce, and it is something that can be easily found, easily consumed, and scales almost indefinitely. Other formats, such as a newsletter, probably work well too. But it’s hard to beat the in-person character of a podcast. You are two now, so it should be easy to just shoot the shit or discuss the news for an hour every week. Feel free to fork the logo and the name, in case you want to stick with the twentyone theme.

Provide a Space

With the beacon in place, provide a space so that other bitcoiners can join in. A public group chat works well. Telegram, Matrix, IRC, Discord—what tool you use is probably not too important. What is important is to have a solid group of people in place: bitcoin plebs that are in it for the revolution, not for the money or to shill the next shitcoin project. Your own little community. Local and localized, but globally connected.

Be welcoming but vigilant, and always remember that everyone is a scammer.

Translate Content

There is no shortage of great educational content. Unfortunately, most of it is in English. The importance of localized educational material can’t be overstated.

Start an effort to translate the best content into your local language. Remember to involve the community. You’d be surprised how many people would love to get involved and help with translations.

Here is a list of articles to get you started.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key. Your beacon should provide a steady signal for yourself and others. It will be hard at first, but if you and your friend have been in bitcoin for a while it should be trivial to talk about current events and/or how bitcoin works for an hour every week.

Stick with it for at least 21 weeks. All you need is some patience and consistency, and the rest will happen on its own.

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